
Agriculture is fundamental for all of us.

That’s why we have been able to collaborate with variety of sectors through agriculture.

Here are some topics that O2Farm have been especially putting effort on.


●Limited use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides (both fossil resource)

●Ducks eat insects and weeds instead of pesticides (not in all fields)

●Reduce use of fossil fuel as much as possible

●Providing biotope for migratory birds and groundwater recharge through winter flooding in all paddy fields

●Research on biodiversity and landscapes to analyze and to improve status


As a concrete measurement to stop global warming, O2Farm has been challenging to energy shift to renewable energy.

Installation of photovoltaic

On the roof of our house and stall, we’ve installed almost 10kW photovoltaic system, also mini solar-sharing system in our garden (additional 5kW), theoretically we’re producing more electricity than we use daily. We also try to use OUR energy instead of selling them, for EV, battery for some work tools, use of electric cooking tools, heat pump etc.

Reduce use of diesel fuel

We switched the fuel for tractor and harvester from diesel to biodiesel (plant-base recycle fuel). In our prefecture, there is a company that produce recycle biodiesel fuel from used cooking oils. We use this fuel for our tractor and harvester for 100% since 2019.

Reduce gasoline

Installed EV and charge mainly with solar energy. Some work tools, too.

Reduce kerosene (heating oils)

Installed wood-burning stove and wood boiler. The fire woods are delivered from our forest, make them small with electric wood splitter which drives with solar energy.


In Japan, our generation is called “lost generation”, the generation which became adult after economic collapse of 1990s. This generation could not and should not make the same mistake that previous generation had shown us, so SEEKING is our destiny. We cannot just go back to old time. But we cannot just pursue economical growth. Then what and how? Maybe our generation can never reach to the answer. But we believe that there are still many things that “lost generation” can do.

Also, O2Farm is providing place and opportunity to young generation (only for those who has will to learn since we’re not school), because we believe sustainable way of living as well as food and energy producing are both liberal arts that everyone should know. But at a moment during CORONA we’re stopping this service.

●Collaboration with universities and research institutes (research project, hosting researcher, etc)

●Hosting students, interns and trainees

●Providing opportunity for children to visit our farm (forest kindergarten, elementary schools etc)

●Collaboration with private companies (ex. farm equipment company) and government for demonstration experiment


Not really sure whether we should call it as well-being, but O2farm have been trying in many ways that people in any circumstances, even with age, handicap, mentally depression can take breath and feel better through farming, landscape, and rural life.

Also we’re self-confident that rice farmer can be the shelter by emergency through our experience of big earthquake in 2016. Rice farmer has rice, which is preserved food. And have some vegetables and pickles, we have spring in nearby, and if we have energy resources, we can serve as shelter! Isn’t that well-being?

Agriculture and welfare cooperation (Noufuku Renkei)

Some products born and sold with collaboration with welfare organization (Rice cracker, Craft beer, etc)


Shelter function

Preparation for disaster: Battery, rainwater and water storage tank for water outage, camping goods, soup kitchen etc (both at O2Farm and GIAHS café)

Supporting family

Collaboration with forest kindergarten, supporting school refusal

Revival projects after Kumamoto earthquake

Hosting restaurant bus, Farm tour, opening GIAHS café (community café)